Folkestone and Hythe District Council Consultation for Public Spaces Protection Order 2018-19

In response to a range of concerns that have been raised by local residents and businesses Folkestone and Hythe District Council are proposing to introduce new Public Spaces Protection Orders in our district and we would like your views.

As a Community Safety Partnership they work to keep our district safe and address concerns about crime, anti-social behaviour and the activities that might spoil peoples enjoyment of their time here. One way of doing this is the use of PSPOs.

They are proposing seven measures to introduce PSPOs in specific areas of the district.

The measures we are proposing are based on current information relating to antisocial behaviour and disorder. This consultation is being carried out to establish to what extent these issues are affecting residents and local businesses. This will then dictate whether some, or all, of the measures should be introduced in certain areas or district wide.

You can download a copy of their information leaflet and survey below on on their website at

PSPO_consultation_leaflet _2018-2019