Sandgate Community Garden: Update 9 February 2020

So very happy to report that our wishes have been answered, and we had compost delivered to the community garden to enable us to make the soil easier to work, and continue with a ‘no dig’ policy.  Folkestone and Hythe council took pity on our plight and are giving us their own compost made in their yard from waste collected from local parks and gardens.   It is peat free and perfect for our requirements.  Feeling cheeky, we mentioned we were looking for wood chips to continue making our paths, and that wish is also to be granted – happy days!  Well, if you don’t ask you won’t get – thank you to our local friendly council……. this makes a great difference to us.  The wheelbarrow has been working overtime trundling backwards and forwards (always uphill with a full load!) to the garden and the new compost is being put down where it is most needed first.  Starting to think we could do with another wheelbarrow, one with an engine strapped to it!

On Wednesday we put nine wooden posts into the ground and along the wall, ready for wires to be strung between them, and for plants to be trained along them.  A maiden pear tree was donated and planted by Sue, a local lady, and another pear tree will be arriving next week.  They are both to be trained against the wall.  We have had other offers of tree donations but we feel that we are at saturation point for the amount of space we currently have.  We had some spinach plants which were planted in one of the raised boxes.

On Saturday we continued wheelbarrowing the compost to the garden, put a mulch of well-rotted horse manure around the orchard trees, and picked some kale and purple sprouting.  Storm Ciara is on its way Saturday night and Sunday, so we spent some time making sure cloches were well secured.   Time will tell if the storm has spared the garden, and an inspection is to be made Monday morning.  Having ’battened down the hatches’, a happy hour or two was spent at the Sandgate Societies sloe gin tasting session.  A must considering we should be picking our own sloes from our newly planted hedge later this year.  Looks like we shall have to consider entering a community garden offering next year!

What’s next?

  • Check on any storm damage
  • More compost and more uphill wheelbarrowing
  • Continue to keep on top of any weeds
  • Collect coffee grounds from the local cafes for the compost bins