Sandgate Community Garden: Update 22 May 2022

Sandgate Community Garden Team Diary Entry for 22nd May: Calling All Supermarkets – please, water your plants.

Thank goodness at last for a substantial downpour.  There was enough to start to refill the much reduced level of the pond, and to bring on the broad beans so that the pods are starting to develop.  Apparently we had 23mm in the last few days, which is more than we sometimes get in an entire month. The bulb onions are swelling and we have to keep an eye on them to make sure they are not able to develop any flowers.  The garden feels fresh and given a revitalising boost.  Even after rain it is important to monitor new plantings until they get a chance to get their roots down into the soil as they can dry out quickly on a warm day in direct sun. 

Not pointing a finger at any supermarket or store in particular that have plants for sale, but it is actually distressing for a passionate gardener to witness plants left to dry out and die when the simple act of giving some water would be enough to let them survive.  The waste by allowing that to happen is just phenomenal.  The plastic containers, the compost, the plant that had all that time and energy spent on getting it to a certain point – all gets thrown away!  It is a skill to be able to ‘see’ if a plant is properly hydrated, and some of our plants growing in containers may need to be watered well twice on a very warm day, depending on the size of the root system plus the amount and type of compost they are in.   

The mange tout is starting to climb the net fence, the courgettes, dwarf beans and tomatoes putting down some roots and making new leaves.  All the winter squashes got planted this week in separate beds from the summer squashes this year because it can be confusing as they grow to know which is which.  We have planted out many of the tender summer plants and are now evaluating how much space is left for all the cucumbers and the annual flowers.

Waitrose got in contact to hand over some plants that were desperate to be planted.  We had only a little space for one or two donations at the Sandgate Community Garden, so most got passed on to other community spaces in the area, Locavore at Martello Primary School, Napier Barracks, the Harbour Church on Canterbury Road and Touchbase Care.   By linking up with other groups we can all make sure that nothing goes to waste and share what comes along.  

On Monday we had a group of volunteers from the Napier Barracks come out to Sandgate Park to help weed the mulched areas around the fruit trees planted for the Queen’s Green Canopy as part of the Jubilee.  After making it tidy and adding a bit more compost, we also planted a few herbs which might become useful to anybody having a barbecue in the park, and will be appreciated by the bees when in flower.

This coming week we will be working on tidying and planting in the Golden Valley, again in preparation for the Jubilee weekend coming up.  The Golden Arrow pub will be helping the Valley to celebrate by hosting many events, so keep an eye on their Facebook page or call in to see the posters advertising everything that will be going on.

What’s next?

  • Weed and tidy Golden Valley shop planters
  • If time, start on the orchard at Fremantle Park
  • Start planting out the flowering annuals
  • Start planting the cucumbers at Enbrook Park
  • If feeling strong, turn compost bins 1 and 2

This weeks update from the Sandgate Community Garden Diary.