Tree Inspection Reports 2023 – Fremantle Park and Sandgate Park

Both as good practice and to ensure we meet the terms of our public liability insurance, Sandgate Parish Council have an annual Tree Inspection Report undertaken in the areas we manage with trees (Sandgate Park and Fremantle Park).

The 2023 Inspection of both areas is now complete, and the reports are below.

As you’ll see, there are works recommended to a number of trees, some as “Priority 2” (do them within the next couple of months) and some “Priority 3” (do them in about the next 6 months).

The Parish Council clearly need to make sure the Priority 2 works are done soon. They have been commissioned from qualified contractors. Those contractors will, of course, pay due regard to checking for and avoiding and nesting birds. The Priority 3 works we’ve asked them to schedule outside the nesting season, despite there being a little extra cost in doing so.

So if you see works to trees in those areas over the next couple of months, that’s the reason – they are required for safety. Removed trees (and there are a few) will be replaced in due course where possible.

