Sandgate Parish Council Agenda Coversheet

Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 20-05-2024

The agenda for the Sandgate Annual Parish Meeting, to held at 6.30pm on Monday 20th May 2024, in Sandgate Library. Our guest speaker this year is Emma Long from the Roger de Haan Charitable Trust, who will outline the Trust’s activities and support for local projects.



The Parish meeting is open to press and public. If you would like to attend this meeting, please notify in advance. Letting us know allows us to make sure we have sufficient seats for you and allow reasonable spacing.

Members of the public can ask questions and make suggestions in the Public Participation section of the Annual Parish Meeting.

Any questions (deemed to be reasonable) sent to will be read and, if possible, answered at the meeting.

If a member of the public would prefer to speak and ask their question themselves, that’s fine.

The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting for and for electors of the Parish, not the council. It is required in Part III the Local Government Act of 1972 which specifies:

  • when it is to be held,
  • the meeting notice period,
  • that the Chairman of the Parish Council shall Chair the meeting,
  • and who shall be eligible to vote, if there are any votes.

Our agenda will give an opportunity to update the Parish on the work of the Parish Council, and plans for the next year. We will also hear from Emma Long from the Roger de Haan Charitable Trust, who will outline the Trust’s activities and support for local projects. There will be an opportunity for questions on both those items.

Following the meeting will be the annual meeting of the Parish Council (which we will try to keep short!).