
Sandgate Library temporary closure: September 2022

Sandgate Library temporary closure: September 2022

Sandgate Library will be temporarily closing for refurbishment work. The library will be closed from Monday 5 September 2022 for 3 weeks, re-opening on Monday 26 September.

Alternative local libraries include Hythe Library, Cheriton Library and Folkestone Library. We also have a number of mobile library stops in the local area including Golden Valley (Digby Road) and Seabrook (Seabrook Court).

Mobile library services can be found at via a postcode search.

If you have any questions, please do contact Sandgate Parish Council (who run Sandgate Library).

Posted by Tim Prater in News

The Sea and Food Festival is Back! Sandgate’s BIG weekend!

Back in FULL for the first time in THREE years! On the evening of Saturday 27th August, we’ll be welcoming back the Sea and Food Festival FREE fireworks display, sponsored by the Roger de Haan Charitable Trust, from Granville Parade.

On Sunday there will be the Sandgate Sea and Food Festival, featuring live music, entertainment, stalls and great food on Sandgate’s Granville Parade, Castle Road Car Park and at businesses along Sandgate High Street.

Watch the Fireworks from the Sea Festival Pop-Up Seafront Restaurant!

Fireworks from the Sea and Food Festival display 2018

In the evening of 27th August, what better way to watch the fireworks display than from our pop-up restaurant in Castle Road Car Park, eating a delicious buffet meal supplied by local favourite the Gurkha Palace, and live music from Jeff Bonner and members of the Shepway Swing Band?

Dinner includes poppadums, choice of curry lamb curry or chicken tikka masala, aloo cauli, yellow lentils, spicy curry sauce, plain boiled rice and naan. Bring you own drinks, or buy from the nearby drink stall in the car park.

Tickets are £25 per head, and strictly limited to 80. First come, first served. To book please email with your name, address and number of tickets. Payment by bank transfer or cheque to Sandgate Library (full payment in advance).  

Can You Help Fill Our Barrow of Booze?

A key part of the Sea and Food Festival each year is the draw to win a “barrow of booze”. That’s an eclectic collection of bottles, cans and more donated from across the village and conveniently served in a wheelbarrow to one lucky ticket buyer!

If you have a bottle or two you could donate to fill our barrow this year (unopened bottles only please!) then please drop them to Sandgate Library during opening hours or contact to arrange delivery. Thank you! 

Last Call for Sea and Food Festival Stalls!

Any local business or organisation that wants to be part of the Granville Parade Seafront market on Sunday 28th is more than welcome to do so, subject to space and booking in the next couple of days.

If you would like a stall, please don’t hesitate but contact Nina Bliss NOW on Nina Bliss at to discuss options and cost (varies between business and charity).

Parking Suspension Advance Notice

Parking on Granville Parade, Granville Road East & West and The Parade is suspended from 8am on Saturday 27th until 7pm on Sunday 28th to allow for the Sea Festival and stalls including drop off, set up and break down.

There is also a parking suspension in Castle Road Car Park for both Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th August, to allow for deliveries and set-up on the Saturday.

Please do NOT park in those areas during suspended hours. There are a lot of deliveries, stalls setting up and people visiting: leaving your car there while that is going on makes it much harder to do (and you may get a ticket!).

As an alternative, Saga have offered to allow local residents to park free in their car park in Enbrook Park FREE on both Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate Parish Council Full Annual Return 2021-2022

Sandgate Parish Council Full Annual Return 2021-2022

Sandgate Parish Council is defined as a “smaller authority” for the purposes of publication of its annual accounts and statements.

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 require that:

1. The accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested, during a period of 30 working days set by the smaller authority and including the first 10 working days of July.

2. The period referred to in paragraph (1) starts with the day on which the period for the exercise of public rights is treated as having been commenced i.e. the day following the day on which all of the obligations in paragraph (3) below have been fulfilled.

3. The responsible financial officer for a relevant authority must, on behalf of that authority, publish (which must include publication on the authority’s website):

(a) the Accounting Statements (i.e. Section 2 of the Annual Return), accompanied by:

(i) a declaration, signed by that officer to the effect that the status of the Accounting Statements are unaudited and that the Accounting Statements as published may be subject to change;

(ii) the Annual Governance Statement (i.e. Section 1 of the Annual Return); and

(b) a statement that sets out—

(i) the period for the exercise of public rights;

(ii) details of the manner in which notice should be given of an intention to inspect the accounting records and other documents;

(iii) the name and address of the local auditor;

(iv) the provisions contained in section 26 (inspection of documents etc.) and section 27 (right to make objections at audit) of the Act, as they have effect in relation to the authority in question.

All the required accounting statements, declarations, annual governance statement and additional statements are available in this Full Annual Return 2021-2022 of Sandgate Parish Council. The declared period for the exercise of Public Rights is 24 June – 11 August 2022, but in practice it was published on the Sandgate Parish Council website on 23 June 2022.









Scanned pdf documents do not comply with the Accessibility Regulations but the above documents can be provided in an alternative format or on alternative media, on request.

There is a National Audit Office guide Local Authority Accounts: A guide to your rights.

The above is the Full Annual Return 2021-2022 of Sandgate Parish Council. Previous years Full Annual Returns from Sandgate Parish Council can be found here.

Posted by Tim Prater in Council, News, Resources
Thank you Sandgate for participating in The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons

Thank you Sandgate for participating in The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the amazing part you played in celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on 2nd June, whether you were a Town Crier, Piper, Bugler/Cornet Player, Choir or a private or community Beacon Organiser, for without your involvement The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons and its associated events would not have been the enormous success they were.

TOGETHER, as a worldwide team, we ensured this unique tribute to our unique Queen Elizabeth, showed the world that the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, UK Overseas Territories and the Commonwealth, along with those who took part from other countries, came together as one, and undertook a celebration party “fit for a Queen,” an occasion that will be fondly remembered by millions upon millions of people for many generations to come.

I don’t mind admitting, when standing next to Her Majesty The Queen at Windsor Castle, London, as she lit her Principal Beacon at 9.45 GMT, a number of tears of joy filled my eyes knowing that you had all played the part you promised, making huge efforts to do so, and I am extremely proud of you all, so again, THANK YOU.

My warmest regards,

Bruno Peek LVO OBE OPR

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Appeal following racist incidents in Folkestone

Witnesses are being sought following two incidents involving alleged racism in Folkestone.

It was reported that at around 5.30pm on Monday 20 June 2022, a man and a woman intervened after witnessing three men being racially abusive towards other people walking along The Leas. When challenged, the man was assaulted and his dog was kicked.

Around a similar time it was also reported that a family sitting nearby on the beach at Sandgate Esplanade near to the Earls Avenue area, was approached and racially abused. Stones were thrown at the victims and one of them was then kicked and punched, sustaining an injury that required hospital treatment.

A 21-year-old man from Deal was arrested the following morning on suspicion of assault and a public order offence and taken into custody.

Detectives investigating the two reports believe they are linked and want to hear from any witnesses who might have information regarding either incident. Anyone who has dash cam footage taken in either area is also urged to come forward.

Witnesses should call Kent Police on 01843 222289 quoting 46/118824/22.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555111, or using the online form on their website

Posted by Tim Prater in News


In the Folkestone & Hythe area we have had a number of people Cuckooed and are asking people to let us know if they suspect anyone in their area is falling victim to Cuckooing.

What is Cuckooing?

Cuckooing is where a drug dealer or group of drug dealers takes over the premises of a vulnerable person either by friendship, force or a combination of both, before turning it into a base to deal drugs from. Cuckooing is not a group of drug users moving in with a fellow user and then all of them using drugs together and causing anti-social behaviour in the vicinity. It could happen to a vulnerable neighbour, friend or family member you know.

How to spot the signs?

·  Vulnerable Person (Elderly, Disabled, Mental Health)

·  Regular Visitors To The Property

·  Unexplained Increase of Money, Clothes or Mobile Phones

·  Late Night/All Day Parties

·  Evidence of Drug Use

·  Significant Changes In Emotional Well-being

·  Increase in ASB Around The Property

·  Unexplained Injuries To The Vulnerable Person

·  Cars & Bikes Visiting

How to Report it? If you suspect cuckooing, report it to Kent Police online or by calling 101. You can report it anonymously to Crimestoppers online or by calling 0800 555 111. Supported by all community safety partners across Kent.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Discretionary Council Tax Energy Rebate Scheme Launched to Support More Households

Discretionary Council Tax Energy Rebate Scheme Launched to Support More Households

More households in the Folkestone & Hythe district could soon be eligible for a council tax energy rebate.

Folkestone and Hythe District Cabinet members have agreed on the criteria for a new discretionary scheme using £302,100 funding from the government.

To date, people living in properties in council tax bands A to D (and E if in receipt of Disability Band Reduction) are being given a one-off payment of £150 to help with the increasing cost of energy bills.

The Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme means householders who fall outside this criteria as of 1 April 2022 could also get the £150 (from July at the earliest). These are:

  • Those in bands E to H who are entitled to Council Tax Reduction.
  • Those in bands F to H who are entitled to Disability Band Reduction.
  • Those in bands E to H and who are exempt from council tax because they are students, under 18, or severely mentally impaired.
  • Those who are not liable for council tax, but responsible for paying energy bills (ie, tenants in houses of multiple occupation where the owner pays the council tax, but they pay for gas and/or electricity).

In the case of the last criteria, an application will have to be made to F&HDC, but in all other categories, the £150 will be automatically made to those who pay their council tax by Direct Debit. Those who don’t pay by DD will be contacted.

If there is any money left over, F&HDC will consider making a top-up payment to all households in band A to H in receipt of Council Tax Reduction. This will be split evenly amongst these low-income households once all other payments have been made.

The £302,100 must be fully spent by 30 November 2022, or returned to the government.

Cllr Tim Prater – Cabinet Member for Revenues, Benefits, Anti-Fraud and Corruption – said: “I am pleased we are able to further support our most vulnerable residents in these difficult times; all those who are on lower incomes, but – for whatever reason – live in larger properties.

“This includes homes which have been adapted for those with disabilities, anyone who is entitled to a reduction in their council tax, and those who don’t pay council tax because they rent but pay their own fuel bills.”

Cllr David Monk – F&HDC Leader – said: “It was important that we had a largely consistent approach across the county, so before we devised the council tax energy rebate policy, we consulted with colleagues from different councils.

“All officers will be going that extra mile in the coming weeks to ensure everyone who is eligible gets their money as soon as possible.”

Anyone who is on a low income, but is not in receipt of Council Tax Reduction can find out if more support is available to them by visiting:

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Public Right of Way Footpath Claim Hospital Hill / Sandy Lane / Shorncliffe Redoubt Area

Path from HF46 (North End Sandy Lane) to junctions with HF48 and HB1 and from HB1 to junction at West Road and Hospital Hill (opposite MOD Area) Path can be accessed from either entrance/exit.

Dear All,

I know that many of you over the years will have used this route. A few years ago I discovered that the path used is NOT A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY.

This needs to be rectified and I’m asking for your help as I need witness statements to ‘claim’ the path for Sandgate / Seabrook / Hythe residents and all other members of the public. I have the support of Sandgate Parish Council.

The KCC Definitive Map Officer says I need as many witness statements as I can get. The path/s must have been used for (at least) 20 years BACK from the date of the claim.

One person does not have to have used the path/s for a full 20 years, but the use needs to be continuous.

Please see attached maps and evidence forms.

The route shown with a dashed line on the attached map is the one that I’d like to ‘claim’. If you have used this route or any part of it at any time over the past 20 years then you need to include a SIGNED copy of it with your evidence forms.

There is a blank map attached for you to draw your route with dashed black lines, this is the map you need to submit NOT the map with the route already shown.

At Sandgate Library there is a map showing grid references if you would like to use them BUT a description of the route is sufficient. Also there are copies of some old maps showing parts of the path. There are also photos showing both entrance/exit of the path.

This cannot be done electronically, all witness statements must be submitted on paper.

There are maps with witness / evidence forms at Sandgate and Hythe Libraries.

Please leave your completed forms at Sandgate or Hythe Libraries.

It is permitted for help to be given (if you find the procedure complicated) with the witness statements, this can be done by me at Sandgate Library.

Check List.

  • Your drawn route on map.
  • Map signed on reverse.
  • General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Public Right of Way User Evidence Statement.

Any queries please phone 01303 249906 / 07796 784678 or email

Yours, Rosemary Sanders (Applicant)

Supporting Images and Documents

Photo of concrete posts start/end of path to be claimed. Path begins near the Military Cemetery.

Private Land sign was erected approximately three years ago, near the Military Cemetery.
Photo of gate and fingerpost at start/end of path to be claimed. path begins opposite MOD Area and near/opposite Upper Corniche/Martello Tower 8. Fingerpost, Dragonfly Way to Seabrook Valley.

Historic Map showing very faint lines possibly indicating a path.
Map showing start/end of path leading to R.C. Church.
Map showing (concrete) posts at north end of Sandy Lane.
OS map. (Ordnance Survey)
Map with grid references. The path I would like to claim is shown with long dashed black lines.
Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Jubilee: In Pictures

Photos from across some of the Jubilee events happening in Sandgate over the weekend. We know there were more events (like the family fun day in the Golden Valley led by the Golden Arrow team and volunteers).

Our thanks to Sal Kenward, Gaye Thomas and Tim Prater for the photos below. Most importantly, we would love to add your events and photos too as a lasting record of the weekend. Please send them to if you’d like to see them added here: thank you!

Beacon Lighting: Sandgate Esplanade, Thursday 2nd June

Golden Valley Jubilee Party, Golden Valley Car Park & Golden Arrow, Friday 3rd June

The Golden Valley family fun afternoon was hosted by the Golden Arrow on Friday.  It was a fabulous afternoon, and a great time was had by all with face painting, tombola, children’s games, cake competition, barbecue, a talented singer to entertain, and a Pimms tent!

Sandgate Jubilee Street and Beach Party: Granville Parade, Sunday 5th June

The Jubilee Street and Breach Party was arranged jointly by the Sandgate Society, Folkestone Rowing Club, Sandgate Parish Council and supported by businesses throughout Sandgate. Finally, thanks to all of those, and those who attended, for making it a great afternoon!

Sandgate “Green Canopy” Orchards Dedication: Fremantle Park and Sandgate Park, Tuesday 31st May

Our two new orchards have been dedicated to the Queen’s Green Canopy in honour of the Platinum Jubilee. Parish Council Chairman Tim Prater went to both parks to oversee the installation of the commemorative plaques. Because Tim didn’t install them, they look great!

Our orchards each have 12 mixed fruit trees, with one in Sandgate Park and the other in Fremantle Park. The trees were firstly chosen, then planted, and now tended by our friends the Sandgate Community Garden team who made it happen.

Posted by Tim Prater in News