
Stronger Kent Communities: 2021 Training Course and FREE Coaching for Community Groups and Organisations

Stronger Kent Communities: 2021 Training Course and FREE Coaching for Community Groups and Organisations

Interim Stronger Kent Communities CEO, Claire Haffenden, is running the below fundraising sessions. Marketing sessions are run by a variety of Kent-based professionals.


SKC Introduction to Grant Making Trusts: Aimed at beginners; this interactive webinar will introduce you to the theory behind writing a good funding application. Thursday 21 January. £15. Book your place:

SKC Getting Started with Fundraising Planning: This online session looks at how to create a fundraising plan. Thursday 4 February. £15. Book your place:

SKC Demonstrating Impact: This online fundraising session will give you the tools to measure your impact more effectively. Thursday 11 February. £15. Book your Place:


“I found the course very informative and have recommended it to others”

“It has taken years for me to have this subject explained so clearly”

“Very informative at an easy to follow pace :)”


NEW: SKC Introduction to Social Media: This interactive online session will look at what platforms to use, how to use them and why / what they are good for. It will cover the basics such as hashtags and tagging. It will also look at how to speak to different audiences on your social media platforms, such as funders and beneficiaries. It will focus on facebook, twitter and linked in, but also look at instagram and youtube. Tuesday 9 February. £15. Book your place:

NEW: Getting Your Stories in The Media online WORKSHOP: Faye Smith is running a follow up to her popular taster training session. During this two-hour workshop, attendees will have a chance to develop story ideas and media pitches for their own organisation and to share ideas. There’s some homework in advance to get the most out of this session. Tuesday 16 February. £15. Book your place:

NEW: Taking Photographs to Promote your Organisation: Kent-based photographer, Ed Thompson, will show you practical tips on image capture, thinking about style and branding and permissions – all key elements of promoting your organisation on social media, websites and in the press. A good image sells a story. Photography tips will work for those capturing images on a smart phone, so its something that can be done with minimal equipment. Ed is used to working with the voluntary sector and everyone from staff to volunteers will be encouraged to think about taking photographs to promote their organisation. Tuesday 23 February. £15. Book your place:

NEW: SKC Tips and Tools for Editing and Archiving Promotional Photographs: This interactive webinar will cover editing and archiving photographs so you have promotional images at your fingertips. Editing tips and tools will work for those working with minimal equipment such as a smartphone. Everyone from staff to volunteers will be encouraged to contribute to your archive of photos, images will be easily uploaded and stored – and accessible by those with permission. Tuesday 9 March. £15. Book your place:

Please note:

If the £15 training fee is prohibitive, then please get in touch and we may be able to help.

Let us know if you were interested in our SOLD OUT free sessions SKC Marketing for Small Organisations, SKC Introduction to Fundraising, SKC Digital Fundraising Forum and we may be able to run them again.
Find out more

Free Coaching

Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund, we are delighted to provide up to 5 hours of free one-to-one advice from our professional partners to small groups and organisations. This service will be available until the end of March 2021.

Our professional partners are experts on charity registration, business and financial planning, marketing, fundraising and much more. If there is something that you need help with, we will try to match you with an expert who can provide you with the advice and support you require.

Find out more.

The Stronger Kent Communities website has been refreshed and includes information on specialist volunteering, coaching, training and web resources so do take a look

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Folkestone & Hythe Over Fifties Forum

The December 2020 Folkestone & Hythe Over Fifties Forum newsletter is below.

Membership is free: the group meets (virtually) every few months and is an opportunity to hear from interesting speakers and provide feedback on a range of issues.

“The Over 50’s Forum are committed to sending the quarterly newsletter to all members by email or post.

“TO BECOME A MEMBER please email or telephone 07812 487971. Our Mailing Address is KCV Folkestone & Hythe Hub, 65 Shaftesbury Ave, Folkestone CT19 4NS. MEMBERSHIP IS FREE!”


Posted by Tim Prater in News
Supporting Shepway Foodbank This Christmas

Supporting Shepway Foodbank This Christmas

As a part of “Light Up Sandgate for Christmas”, two local pubs had kindly volunteered to be a drop-off point for Sandgate donations to the Shepway Foodbank in December. Sadly, Tier 3 restrictions have rather ended that plan – at minimum for another ten days,

However, the Foodbank, and those that need its help, is still in urgent need of donations. To make it easier to donate, we’ve put in place the following alternatives:

  • There will be a Shepway Foodbank “bin” in the entrance to Sandgate Library (James Morris Court, Sandgate High Street, Sandgate, Folkestone CT20 3RR) from 9am-12pm on Tuesday and Thursdays mornings (8/12, 10/12, 15/12, 17/12, 22/12). All donations dropped to there by Tuesday 22nd December will be delivered to the foodbank in time for Christmas.
  • If you have a large amount of food to collect (and we know a couple of places already have – thank you!) and can’t get it to the Library at that time, we can get it collected for you – call 01303 248563 or email

This Christmas let’s help those having a hard time coping.

Shepway Foodbank supports those who are struggling to feed themselves and their families. Donations to the Foodbank will be gratefully received and passed to them by Christmas.

Learn more at about ways to help, and also the things that the Foodbank currently most urgently needs.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate Parish Council and Sandgate Library Christmas Closures 2020

Sandgate Parish Council and Sandgate Library Christmas Closures 2020

The Sandgate Parish Council Office will be closed from Christmas Eve (24/12/2020) to New Years Day (01/01/2021) inclusive. The office will reopen as usual from 4th January 2021. Emails and calls left in that time will be responded to as soon as possible on or after 4th January.

Sandgate Library will be closed from 24/12/2020 – 28/12/2020 inclusive and on New Years Day (01/01/21).  Click and Collect services will be available by appointment (call or email or 07552 810271) on 29/12/2020 & 31/12/2020 & 2/1/2021 over the Christmas period.

From then on Sandgate Library will be open for Click and Collect every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday am until we hear further on reopening the Library for browsing from Kent County Council, subject ot Covide restrictions.

Posted by Tim Prater in Library, News
Sandgate Library: Still Open for Click and Collect

Sandgate Library: Still Open for Click and Collect

Although we were delighted to reopen the Library in September with a phased reopening, moving from click and collect up to full browsing (with limits), the implementation of Lockdown 2 pushed us back to click and collect services only.

Given the announcement of Tier 3 Covid restrictions for Kent, at present Sandgate Library has to remain closed for browsing, but can still offer a click and collect library service to all residents.

To book, click and collect, email or phone us on our dedicated click and collect number 07552 810271.

Reading and listening choices can then be discussed and arrangements made for a suitable time-slot when books will be available for collection.

Kent Libraries also offer a wide range of ebooks  and all library users can assess these by following this link: Libraries – Kent County Council

Posted by Tim Prater in News
KCC Media Statement Regarding Kent ‘Tier 3’ Announcement

KCC Media Statement Regarding Kent ‘Tier 3’ Announcement

Following the easing of national restrictions on 2nd December, all of Kent and Medway will have restrictions at the ‘Very High Tier 3 Level’.

The Government’s decisions on tiers have been made by ministers based on recommendations by government scientists and medics, taking into account:

  • Infection rates in all age groups and in particular among the over 60s
  • How quickly case rates are rising or falling
  • The number of cases per 100,000 in the general population
  • Pressure on the NHS – including current and projected NHS capacity – including admissions, bed occupancy and staff absences
  • Local factors and exceptional circumstances such as a local but contained outbreak

Local authorities were informed by letter this morning, outlining the decision and a reminder of the rules of each tier.

Following today’s announcement, Kent County Council Leader Roger Gough said:

“We appreciate that residents and businesses across the county will be extremely concerned and some areas may feel the Government decision is unfair. It is our priority now to work with everyone to move out of tier 3 as quickly as possible.

“We continue to work tirelessly to reduce the rate of transmission across Kent, focusing on the most affected areas with extra testing capacity and engaging local communities to ensure that we all comply with restrictions. At the same time continuing to provide support to our most vulnerable people, and providing vital advice and support to Kent businesses.

“We appeal to businesses to play their part by being strict with the guidance affecting them, their staff and their customers – making sure we all follow advice on social distancing and wearing a mask.

“Community outbreaks have been a major cause for concern in some areas of Kent and the second national lockdown had started to show an impact in a slight reduction in the numbers of people testing positive. But it is the same message to all Kent residents now; thank you for all your efforts so far, and we appeal to everyone to continue to take the restrictions seriously and follow the guidance. The faster we get infections down, the sooner we can hope to see restrictions eased to the benefit of residents and businesses.”

The Kent Local Tracing Partnership goes live in Kent from Friday 27 Nov, supporting the national Test and Trace service to locate residents who have tested positive for Covid-19. The local system will continue to support the NHS Test and Trace service, using the experience of the Kent Together helpline with KCC commissioned call handlers contacting people that the Government Test and Trace system has not been able to reach within 24 hours.

Once contacted, the advisors will be able to give advice on isolation and testing, establish close contacts, upload details to the National Contact Tracing system, and signpost to assistance available such as financial or practical in terms of supplies of food and medication.

Work also continues with the Department of Health and Social Care regarding supplies of Lateral Flow Devices and targeted wider asymptomatic testing.

Kent County Council Director of Public Health, Andrew Scott-Clark said:

“A local test and trace system, alongside mass testing, are significant undertakings and while they are an important part of managing the pandemic, it is not the solution and any testing needs to be alongside all the other public health measures such as social distancing, wearing masks and washing hands.

“We have been in national restrictions for two weeks and those high figures from before lockdown are now starting to level off so we are encouraged that the majority of people are doing the right thing by minimising their social interactions at home and carefully following social distancing guidelines when they are out but it’s really important that we protect the most at risk people among our older residents and this needs to happen now if we want to see restrictions eased further.”

Kent County Council and Medway Council lead on outbreak control plans for the county and continue to work closely with partners from central Government, the district and borough councils in Kent, the NHS and Public Health England, and continue to keep businesses informed.  

Roger Gough added: “We know that Kent’s hospitals are getting busier – not just from Covid cases but because of normal winter pressures – so we need to help the NHS too and the main thing people can do is to follow the national restrictions and self-isolate if they have symptoms or have been advised to self-isolate. If you have symptoms, book a test. Play your part to help protect Kent and Medway – more information at

Understanding the Tiers

In tier 3, you must not meet socially indoors or in most outdoor places with anybody you do not live with, or who is not in your support bubble, this includes in any private garden or at most outdoor venues. You must not socialise in a group of more than 6 in some other outdoor public spaces, including parks, beaches, countryside accessible to the public, a public garden, grounds of a heritage site or castle, or a sports facility – this is called the ‘rule of 6’. There are also rules on hospitality settings, such as bars (including shisha venues), pubs, cafes and restaurants which are permitted to continue sales by takeaway, click-and-collect, drive-through or delivery services.

You can find the full list of guidelines and restrictions at

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Report of the External Auditor 2020


“On the basis of our review of Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), in our opinion the information in sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR is in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirement.”

Posted by Tim Prater in Finance, News, Resources

Scammer claiming to be Age UK

We have received reports of a resident in Ashford being targeted by a Scammer claiming to be Age UK.


You get a telephone call from someone saying they are Age UK – They ask you questions including the name of your Doctors Surgery and any medication you take.


This is a scam – Age UK would not call and ask for personal information.

End the telephone call and make sure the line has cleared.

If you are unsure if a call is from AGE UK, contact your local Age UK.

For advice and to report contact Citizens Advice 0808 223 1133 or visit their website.

Please warn vulnerable family members, friends and neighbours.

Report it.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Could You Help Sandgate as a Volunteer Flood Warden?

Could You Help Sandgate as a Volunteer Flood Warden?

Flood Wardens are volunteers trained to help and prepare people in local communities that are at risk of flooding. They play an important role in the preparing a community flood plan and putting it in to practice. In Sandgate we would also ask you to meet the Parish Council annually to update us on the flood plan.

The commitment

  • Training takes just 2 hours to complete (training is currently online, with the next FREE course on 24th November from 7-9pm).
  • Flood Wardens meet a few times a year to test their flood plan.

The Role

  • Help local people prepare for flooding.
  • Provide a vital link between your community and the emergency responders.

What you’ll get

  • Comprehensive handbook.
  • Access to a whole host of resources.
  • Support from fellow Flood Wardens.

It’s been a while since we’ve had a substantial flood in Sandgate, but that’s no reason not to be prepared.

You would be making a real difference to your community, helping the ensure the safety of neighbours, for a few hours a year. From the responsibilities of being a Flood Warden include:

Helping the community before, during and after a flood


  • Identify problem areas within your community;
  • Identify vulnerable people and properties;
  • Write a community flood plan;
  • Monitor watercourses within the community;
  • Encourage sign up to free Flood Warnings.


  • Communicate the risk of flooding within the community;
  • Help co-ordinate the community flood plan;
  • Heed emergency services advice at all times;
  • Share information from the Environment Agency and emergency services with residents;
  • Encourage residents to take action;
  • Collect flood event information.


  • Assist in the post-flood clear up if required;
  • Continue to act as a communication channel;
  • Collect post-flood data and photos;
  • Assist in the review of the community flood plan.

If you are interested in becoming a Flood Warden, please contact the Kent Resilience Team to organise a training session at  or call 01622 212409.

Book to attend the November Flood Warden course at

Posted by Tim Prater in News