
Could You Help Sandgate as a Volunteer Flood Warden?

Could You Help Sandgate as a Volunteer Flood Warden?

Flood Wardens are volunteers trained to help and prepare people in local communities that are at risk of flooding. They play an important role in the preparing a community flood plan and putting it in to practice. In Sandgate we would also ask you to meet the Parish Council annually to update us on the flood plan.

The commitment

  • Training takes just 2 hours to complete (training is currently online, with the next FREE course on 13th October from 7-9pm).
  • Flood Wardens meet a few times a year to test their flood plan.

The Role

  • Help local people prepare for flooding.
  • Provide a vital link between your community and the emergency responders.

What you’ll get

  • Comprehensive handbook.
  • Access to a whole host of resources.
  • Support from fellow Flood Wardens.

It’s been a while since we’ve had a substantial flood in Sandgate, but that’s no reason not to be prepared.

You would be making a real difference to your community, helping the ensure the safety of neighbours, for a few hours a year. From the responsibilities of being a Flood Warden include:

Helping the community before, during and after a flood


  • Identify problem areas within your community;
  • Identify vulnerable people and properties;
  • Write a community flood plan;
  • Monitor watercourses within the community;
  • Encourage sign up to free Flood Warnings.


  • Communicate the risk of flooding within the community;
  • Help co-ordinate the community flood plan;
  • Heed emergency services advice at all times;
  • Share information from the Environment Agency and emergency services with residents;
  • Encourage residents to take action;
  • Collect flood event information.


  • Assist in the post-flood clear up if required;
  • Continue to act as a communication channel;
  • Collect post-flood data and photos;
  • Assist in the review of the community flood plan.

If you are interested in becoming a Flood Warden, please contact the Kent Resilience Team to organise a training session at  or call 01622 212409.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate Library Re-opens for Browsing

Sandgate Library Re-opens for Browsing

We are delighted to announce that Sandgate Library is now open for browsing Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 9.30-12.00, and that  we will also continue to run the Click and Collect Service.

We were delighted that Sandgate Library re-opened on 7th September for a Click and Collect and Home Library Service only. As of today, we can also allow users to browse and select their own books, although numbers in the library at any time will be necessarily limited.

Chairman of Sandgate Parish Council, Tim Prater, said:

“It’s due to the dedicated work of our Clerk Gaye and volunteers that Sandgate was one of thirty three libraries across Kent to re-open, and the only library of our level. To be able to move, with Kent Libraries agreement, to a much more normal browsing service is, again, thanks to them.

“It has been been announced that the 66 Kent libraries that had not yet reopened this year will now remain closed until at least April. That’s a real blow to those areas, but our management of Sandgate Library has allowed us to dodge that fate.

So please, come along and visit our library once again. The team may be wearing masks but will definitely be smiling under them.”

Numbers in the library at any one time will be strictly limited and wearing of masks, except for those with medical exemptions, is required. Track and Trace details will also be taken, and there is a Covid-19 app check-in QR code to scan. Staff will also be wearing appropriate PPE.

A Click-and-Collect loan service and Sandgate Home Library Service remains in place for those who want it or, because of age or disability, are unable to get to the library.

To book these services, borrowers call on the dedicated phone number 07552 810271 or by email to

Reading or listening choices can then be discussed with a member of staff, and arrangements made for a suitable time-slot when books will be available for collection or a Home Library Service delivery will take place.

Please note that Click-and-Collect & Home Library Service loans are for a maximum of 6 items per occasion and, for the time being, will be limited to the stock held within Sandgate Library.

In addition, there will be one WiFi area available at the front of the library, bookable via Netloan, but there will be no print facility for the present. Obviously, every effort will be made to ensure the safety of both staff and customers.

Posted by Tim Prater in Library, News
Will You Join the Sandgate Speedwatch Volunteer Team?

Will You Join the Sandgate Speedwatch Volunteer Team?

Kent Speedwatch is a volunteer scheme to monitor and display the speed of passing traffic on selected roads.

A group of 3 people use a roadside speed indicator device to monitor and display the speed of approaching traffic, and note the details of those significantly in excess of the speed limit.

It acts as a good reminder to motorists to keep to the limit, and forms a base of data that Kent Police can see to understand if there is a lot of speeding in a certain road, and to target their resources at monitoring them.

Sandgate Parish Council has a part share in a Speed Indication Device, but haven’t run sessions for some time. We’re looking to get Speedwatch sessions running again, but to do so we need a group of volunteers willing to join the team.

Training takes a couple of hours, and we’d be hoping to run 2 or 3 Speedwatch sessions a month to start with: if we had 9 volunteers, that’s commitment to one 90 minute session a month.

Sessions only happen during daylight hours, in Police approved locations, with trained volunteers. You’ll never be working alone.

Would you register to get involved in helping our area cut traffic speeds with Speedwatch?

If you are willing to become a Sandgate Speedwatch volunteer you can register online. Please go to:

..and select “register” on the top menu. On the next page, select “Join and Existing Group” on the left.

On the next page, select “Kent” from the “Force” list, then “Continue”.

On the next page, select “XE Folkestone and Hythe” from the Police Area list, then “Continue”.

On the next page, select “Sandgate – Sandgate Speedwatch Group” from the Group list, then Continue.

On the next page, complete the form, make sure you tick the “term and conditions” box, then select “Register Me”.

You should get an email notification of some type, but then that’s done. When we have enough (5 or so) volunteers registered we’re away – we will get a training session organised and all volunteers invited.

Please – get involved: register today!

Posted by Tim Prater in News
District Council Virtual Meeting to Address Napier Barracks Questions

District Council Virtual Meeting to Address Napier Barracks Questions

A virtual community engagement meeting is to be held to answer residents’ questions regarding the use of Napier Barracks as an assessment and dispersal facility for asylum seekers.

Folkestone & Hythe District Council (F&HDC) is organising the online event, which will be streamed live on YouTube this Friday (25 September) at 3pm.

The Home Office and other agencies have been invited to attend, with F&HDC Leader Cllr David Monk urging key partner representatives to participate and address any issues raised.

He said: “The lack of communication from the Home Office has meant we have had no way of being able to allay the fears and answer the questions raised by residents.

“This is a perfect opportunity for all of the agencies involved to come together to describe the support they are giving and the actions they are taking to address concerns in an appropriate setting.

“It will also allow speculation around the arrangement to be addressed – some of which has been very unhelpful and potentially damaging to our community.”

Questions must be submitted via email to before 5pm on Thursday 24 September.

Themes raised by residents will then be discussed by the panel as opposed to each question being asked individually.

Enquiries may be rejected – as is standard council practice – if they are considered to be defamatory, frivolous or offensive. Members of the public will be able to watch the meeting by visiting

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate Parish Council Email Newsletter: Markets, Libraries, and Tours!

Sandgate Parish Council Email Newsletter: Markets, Libraries, and Tours!

The latest edition of the new Sandgate Parish Council email newsletter is out now.

Much of the content is below (as much as I could cut and paste!) but the most reliable way of getting your own copy fresh ‘n warm to your email inbox each time is to subscribe for free at

There is a LOT going on over the next few days in Sandgate!

  • Sandgate Farmers Market is BACK this Saturday
  • Sandgate Library Reopening from 7th September
  • Last Few Dates for 2020 Sandgate Walking Tours

See below for more details of each!

Nina Bliss would also like to thank everyone through the village who have showed so much support for her and respect for Robert since his death on 10th August. The welcome for the cortege through the village on Tuesday was hugely appreciated by the whole family. If you wanted to give a gift in his memory, there is a collection on behalf of the RNLI: please send cheques payable to “R.N.L.I. Dungeness” c/o W J Farrier and Sons, The Island, Red Lion Square, Hythe, Kent, CT21 5AU. Thank you.

Sandgate Farmers Market is BACK this Saturday

It’s great to see the return of the Sandgate Farmers Market this Saturday 5th September from 10am-12.30pm in the newly refurbished Chichester Hall.

There is a lovely line-up of stallholders at the first Sandgate Farmers Market since lockdown: please do pop in and show your support (and see what’s been done in the hall!).

Sandgate Farmers Market flyer with stallholder details.

In order to ensure safety for all, visitors will be welcomed at the front door, name and a contact number or email taken (for trace and trace) and you’ll be invited to sanitise your hands on entry. Masks are required (except medical ground exemptions) in the hall, only a maximum of 20 visitors at any one time, and please observe distancing through the hall. The cafe will not be open.

Diary Dates: The Market should then be operating again as usual on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, from 10-12.30pm in the Chichester Hall each time, so 19th September, 3rd and 17th October, 7th and 21st November.

Library Reopening

Sandgate Parish Council is delighted to announce that Sandgate Library will be re-opening on 7th September.

In keeping with other Kent libraries which are re-opening, a Click-and-Collect loan service will be available, and – for Sandgate residents only – a Home Library Service for those who, because of age or disability, are unable to get to the library.

To book these services, borrowers will be able to contact the library from 1st September on the dedicated phone number 07552 810271 or by email to

Reading or listening choices can then be discussed with a member of staff, and arrangements made for a suitable time-slot when books will be available for collection or a Home Library Service delivery will take place.

At reopening, Sandgate Library’s opening hours will be from 9.30-12.00 Monday-Friday (closed on Wednesdays) and from 9.30-1.00pm on Saturdays. You should only attend if you have called / emailed first and been allocated a time slot.

Please note that Click-and-Collect & Home Library Service loans are for a maximum of 6 items per occasion and, for the time being, will be limited to the stock held within Sandgate Library.

In addition, there will be one WiFi area available at the front of the library, bookable via Netloan, but there will be no print facility for the present. Obviously, every effort will be made to ensure the safety of both staff and customers. Please call 07552 810271 in advance to check if there is space for you.

Only one Click-and-Collect user will be able to enter the library at a time and they will be expected to use the available hand sanitiser and to wear a mask. Staff will also be wearing appropriate PPE.

It is hoped that in the near future more access to stock and browsing may become available, but we would ask that you bear with us as we learn a new way of working and understand that we are trying to provide the best possible service.

Last Few Dates for 2020 Sandgate Walking Tours

Sandgate Walking Tour leaflet with dates and booking details

Tour Guide Extraordinaire Tony Quarrington invites you and your family to join his guided walking tour of Sandgate. Many of his Sandgate tours to date have been sold out, but there are still a few spaces left through September and October: book early!

Tours depart from the Chichester Hall at 11am on a Saturday morning (so time to check out the Farmers Market first!) and cost just £5 per person for a circa 2 hour tour – great value. Call Tony on 07738 624522 or email to book.

Posted by Tim Prater in News, Newsletter
What’s in the Name?

What’s in the Name?

Sandgate Parish Council is considering renaming Enbook Valley Park to highlight its value as a community asset.

We can easily leave it as it is but perhaps you have a much better name! The council are asking for any nominations for a new name to be put to a community vote in the Autumn.

To suggest a new name, email or call 248563 by 30th September.

All suggestions will be considered by Sandgate Council and a shortlist, which will include as an option the current Enbrook Valley Park, will then be put forward to the community vote.

Suggestions that are offensive or unacceptable (F&H District Council have to accept the final name) won’t make it to the shortlist: sorry Parky McParkface!

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate Library to reopen in September

Sandgate Library to reopen in September

Sandgate Parish Council is delighted to announce that Sandgate Library will be re-opening on 7th September.

This is the result of discussions with Kent County Council and reflects the unique status of the library, which will be re-opening well in advance of similarly-sized libraries in the district.

At reopening, Sandgate Library’s opening hours will be from 9.30-12.00 Monday-Friday (closed on Wednesdays) and from 9.30-1.00pm on Saturdays.

In keeping with other Kent libraries which are re-opening, a Click-and-Collect loan service will be available, and – for Sandgate residents only – a Home Library Service for those who, because of age or disability, are unable to get to the library.

To book these services, borrowers will be able to contact the library from 1st September on the dedicated phone number 07552 810271 or by email to

Reading or listening choices can then be discussed with a member of staff, and arrangements made for a suitable time-slot when books will be available for collection or a Home Library Service delivery will take place.

Please note that Click-and-Collect & Home Library Service loans are for a maximum of 6 items per occasion and, for the time being, will be limited to the stock held within Sandgate Library.

In addition, there will be one WiFi area available at the front of the library, bookable via Netloan, but there will be no print facility for the present. Obviously, every effort will be made to ensure the safety of both staff and customers.

Only one Click-and-Collect user will be able to enter the library at a time and they will be expected to use the available hand sanitiser and to wear a mask. Staff will also be wearing appropriate PPE.

It is hoped that in the near future more access to stock and browsing may become available, but we would ask that you bear with us as we learn a new way of working and understand that we are trying to provide the best possible service.

Posted by Tim Prater in Library, News
Watching and Speaking at Online Sandgate Parish Council Meetings

Watching and Speaking at Online Sandgate Parish Council Meetings

Until April 2020, no Councils met online for full Council or Committee meetings – they simply weren’t legally allowed to do so. When new legislation to allow Councils to meet online in response to Covid-19 was put in place in April 2020 (currently to expire in May 2021) then Councils had to learn how to adapt and meet online fast.

Sandgate Parish Council was one of the first to do so, and came up with a structure that worked quite quickly. All online council and committee meetings of Sandgate Parish Council are held on Zoom, and all broadcast from there on Facebook Live to our Facebook page at

Any member of the public is welcome to watch the meetings live on our Facebook page, and recordings of meetings will be available to view after the meeting on Facebook for at least one month.

Since April, emails from the public to the Council have been raised and noted at full Council and Planning meetings (as appropriate). However, we wanted to go further and reinstate the ability for people to ask questions at full Council and make representations to Planning meetings themselves if they so wish.

We think we now have a reasonable way to do so, so in addition, the public are welcomed to ask questions directly at full council meetings, and make representations on applications at Planning meetings, as well as emailing in to either as before. The guidance / protocol to doing so is at

Posted by Tim Prater in Council, News, Planning