
Sandgate Walking Tours to Launch in July

On Saturday 18th July Tony Quarrington will be bringing his award winning walking tours to Sandgate for the first time.

Tony developed the Sandgate Walking tour programme after discussions with Sandgate Parish Council earlier this year. The Parish Council are supporting the programme with promotion and a small grant.

Tony will be delivering a minimum of ten tours between mid July and late October. All tours will start at the Chichester Memorial Hall at 11am on a Saturday and last approximately two hours. 

It had been hoped that the majority of the tours would coincide with the fortnightly Farmer’s Market, but that might have to wait a little while longer.

Enbrook Park, the Castle, High Street, seafront, Old Fire Station, library, parish church and former primary school are just some of the attractions that Tony will focus on along the walk.

In addition to the history, culture and architecture of the village, he will also explain the role of many of the prominent personalities, such as H.G. Wells, Sir John Moore, William Wilberforce and Hattie Jacques, that have shaped and illuminated Sandgate over the centuries. 

Tony, who lives in Folkestone, has been conducting walking tours in the town for the past three years, focusing on The Leas, harbour and seafront, Creative Quarter and the East Cliff. He is excited to be venturing further afield and sharing his passion for the village with his guests.

Sandgate Parish Council Chairman Tim Prater welcomed the launch of the programme. Tim said:

“When I started the conversation with Tony about bringing his walking tours to Sandgate we hoped we would offer something new and different for the village and our visitors.

“We hope that this summer as many people as possible enjoy an outdoor, socially distanced tour with Tony and learn more about our village, its history and the people that lived (and live!) here.

“It would be great to see this become a regular feature in Sandgate for years to come, and we look forward to working, and walking, with Tony!”

2020 Sandgate Walking Tour Dates:

  • Saturday 18th July
  • Saturday 1st August
  • Saturday 15th August
  • Saturday 29th August
  • Saturday 5th September
  • Saturday 12th September
  • Saturday 19th September
  • Saturday 3rd October
  • Saturday 17th October
  • Saturday 24th October

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Tidying Up Enbrook Valley Park

Since Sandgate Parish Council took on the maintenance and running of Enbrook Valley Park in Fremantle Road a couple of weeks ago, we’ve already started improving the area and getting the playground ready for the post-Covid reopening that we really hope is not far away.

The playground equipment has been checked, swing seats replaced where needed and frames repainted to make sure its safe and tidy. The bench in the playground has been refurbished as well. The weeds that were growing through the matting have been sorted, and signage updated.

We’ve had the 5-a-side goals painted, and we’ve got some more works planned. we will be cutting back the overgrown area of weeds near the footpath entrance from Enbrook Valley and also doing the same down the one side of the football pitch to make it a bit squarer: that last one will need to wait until the Autumn though!

There will soon be a leaflet through local doors asking for people to get involved in taking care of the park: from keeping an eye on it and reporting problems to litter picking as required and even getting involved with new planters and beds: watch this space!

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Kent Search and Rescue: “At Risk of Going Missing” form

Do you love someone who lives with Dementia, Autism or who has the possibility of walking off and getting lost?

We hope we never have to help you, but we are here if you do need our help.

One way you can prepare for such an incident (however remote) is to complete an “At Risk of Going Missing” form, it will take approx 10 minutes and will ask you lots of questions about your loved one. These are the questions Police and Search Teams will ask, they are easier to answer whilst sitting calmly with a cup of tea than in the middle of the night when your loved one missing.

We hope you never have to hand this form over to a search team but if you do having it ready will benefit the search team.


Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Parish Council Website Redesign

Although its still a work in progress, we’re bringing live an updated Parish Council website at

We’ve tried to retain and enhance the functionality of the old site, and make it simple and more accessible to use. We publish all agendas and minutes of meetings on our website, and increasingly a variety of news and other updates as well.

To best keep in touch of the news of the Parish Council we offer two different email update options: automatic email updates each time new posts are added to the website, and our email Parish newsletters for residents and businesses. You can find out more about both and subscribe for free at

We are also on Facebook at which is where we live broadcast our online Zoom Full Council and Committee meetings (which we are currently holding in place of face-to-face meetings).

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Meet the Silly Squad

Silly Squad website screenshot

The Reading Agency and Kent libraries are excited to introduce the ‘Silly Squad‘.

Due to our libraries being closed, this year’s challenge will be online only.

Children aged 4 to 11 can join the ‘Silly Squad’, an adventurous team of animals who love to have a laugh, and get stuck into all sorts of funny books!

The challenge will begin on Friday 5 June and end late September. Taking part is easy and free, visit the Silly Squad website to sign up.

The challenge is to read any books that make them laugh, smile and be happy during the summer. Whether that’s comics, joke books, poetry, fiction or nonfiction (book or eBook format).

Families are encouraged to join in and ‘get silly’. New fun and silly content is available every week including activities, games, quizzes and more.

Get involved

For more information email

Keep up to date by following the Reading Agency on Twitter and using the hashtag #SummerReadingChallenge and #sillysquad2020

Follow the Summer Reading Challenge on Facebook.

You can also follow Kent Libraries, Registration and Archives on Facebook and Twitter.

Posted by Tim Prater in News, Uncategorised

Improvement, Engagement: New Future for Enbrook Valley Play Area

Sandgate Parish Council are delighted to have taken control of the Enbrook Valley Play Area on Fremantle Road from Folkestone and Hythe District Council securing the long term future of the park.

Immediately the lease was agreed works were done to tidy up around the children’s play area in preparation for re-opening when permitted by Government. Other works are planned including repainting some of the play equipment and new seats on swings to ensure everything is in the best condition.

Tim Prater at Enbrook Valley Play Area

Sandgate Parish Council Chairman Tim Prater said:

“We’ve been running Sandgate Park for some years, and local residents really appreciate the care and attention we’ve paid there. We plan to pay the same attention here, and talk to local residents to make sure it is a park they want to use and value.

“Much of the park is in a good state already, but we’ll be getting a few more things tidied up and cut back over the next few weeks, including painting the current goalposts and removing one area of overgrowth and weeds.

“We want to talk to local residents about making the best use of the park. Would any groups be interested in taking on planters or planting beds there if they were created? What other facilities would people like to see there? Would anyone be interested or able in helping keep an eye on and maintaining the Park?

“We’d even like to discuss what the name of the Park be – is ‘Enbrook Valley Play Area’ the right name, or something else – I always thought of it as ‘Fremantle Road Park’, but we’re open to discussion!”

If you’d like to get involved in the park, drop us an email to

The playground in the Play Area will be opened as soon as Government guidelines recommend the re-opening of playgrounds. At this time (1st June), they have said playgrounds should remain closed.

Sandgate Parish Council also have taken ownership (on long leases) of land alongside Sandgate Esplanade, including the green alongside the Battery Point wall and area near the Sir John Moore Memorial.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Proposal Notice Changes to CPZ restrictions in Radnor Cliff and Radnor Cliff Crescent, Sandgate

In the District of Folkestone & Hythe




Notice is hereby given that KENT COUNTY COUNCIL intend to make the above Order under sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3), 3(2), 4(1) and (2), 32(1), 35(1), 45, 46, 49, 53,122 and 124 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the chief officer of police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act:

The Order proposes the following in Sandgate:

  • Amend the CPZ restrictions in Radnor Cliff and Radnor Cliff Crescent to 1st April – 30th September 8.00am – 8.00pm, permit holders only.
  • Prohibition of loading and unloading on existing yellow line restrictions in Radnor Cliff Crescent and near the entrance to Lower Sandgate Road Car Park in Radnor Cliff

Full details are contained in the draft Order, which together with the relevant drawings, a copy of any orders which will be amended by the proposed Order, and a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined at The Council Offices, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone.

If you have any questions concerning the Order or require further information please contact Folkestone & Hythe District Council (Parking Services) Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY.

If you wish to make an objection or comment about the proposed Order, you must write to Folkestone & Hythe District Council (Traffic Orders), Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY or email For your objection or comments to be considered they must reach us by 5pm on Friday 3rd July 2020. For legal reasons we cannot accept any objection or comment over the phone or in person.

This Notice is published by Folkestone & Hythe District Council on behalf of Kent County Council Highways and Transportation, County Hall, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ (part of Kent County Council).

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate flies its Seaside Award for 2020

Sandgate flies its Seaside Award for 2020

Sandgate beach has been named as one of country’s best beaches by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy – for the eighth year running!

In these uncertain times, it is good to have some certainty and anyone visiting Sandgate Beach this summer can be sure that they are visiting one of the country’s – and the world’s – best beaches.

With the current travel restrictions and the likelihood of foreign holidays being cancelled, a day trip to a beach is likely to be the highlight of most people’s summer.

Sandgate joins the country’s very best beaches, from popular holiday spots to quiet, more hidden-away spots. What unites them all is knowing that they are clean, safe and meet the highest environmental standards, as well as the tough international bathing water quality standards.

Keep Britain Tidy’s Deputy Chief Executive Richard McIlwain said:

The success of Sandgate in reaching the very high standards demanded by both awards is testament to all those who have worked so hard to protect and improve our beaches – from beach managers and volunteers to local people and businesses.

“When you enjoy a trip to a beach flying an international Blue Flag or Seaside Award, you know you are on one of the safest, cleanest and very best in the country.

“This year, with the pressure on local services created by COVID-19, we would urge anyone visiting this fantastic beach to help out by taking their rubbish home with them and leaving the beach as they found it.

Tim Prater, Chairman of Sandgate Parish Council, said:

‘The last few months have been a trial for everyone. However, our beach is a source of delight and place of respite for many, and its great to see it recognised not just locally as a great place to be, but by this national award too.

“It’s the eighth year running that Sandgate has won this award, and is the only beach in Folkestone and Hythe to have done so.”

“Sandgate have received this award for the last eight years not just due to the quality of our beach, but also due to the hard work of many people. they include Marie and the team that keep it clean, Councillors like Nabin Siwa and non-Councillors working as a team, and the Parish Council making sure the key facilities are in place: it just wouldn’t happen without all of them. It’s something our village can be rightly proud of.”

Posted by Tim Prater in News
SPC Caretaker Services for June 2020 to April 2024

SPC Caretaker Services for June 2020 to April 2024

Sandgate Parish Council is inviting applications for the services of a caretaker at Sandgate Park (the recreation ground), to include the following:

  • To check leaf fall and clear where necessary
  • To litter pick and dispose of in litter bins
  • To check notice board for out-of-date notices and post new notices as required
  • To clean notice boards and all signage; to report any damages to the parish clerk
  • To check litter bins are not overfilled and to report any damaged bins to the parish clerk
  • To pick up dog waste and dispose of in litter bins
  • Ensure the dog waste bag dispenser is kept stocked.
  • Clear debris from the grounds and Ball courts as required
  • To check drains after heavy rain and clear if necessary
  • To carry out general checks of the facilities and equipment and report any defects and / or problems to the parish clerk
  • To carry out minor works at the Sandgate High Street/Gough Road village green and Wilberforce Road green, as and when required
  • To provide monthly reports to the parish clerk by the first week of each month
  • To provide holiday cover as and when required and the interim caretaker to be covered by Public Liability Insurance
  • To attend occasional meetings with the council, the clerk or representatives
  • To undertake any other reasonable request by the Parish Council to ensure the safety and security of the park

The parish council’s budget for this position is £2,800 for 2020-2021 year, commencing June 2020. For the rest of the contract term, applicants are requested to submit expectations of increased rises for the years 2021 – 2024.

The council requests applicants to state the hours per week they would work within this budget, allowing for more hours in the summer and fewer during winter.

The contract period will be for four years, subject to the normal break clauses.

The successful applicant must:

  • Possess £5 million Public Liability Insurance
  • Possess gloves, litter pickers and other tools and equipment, as required

Payments would be made on submission of a monthly or quarterly invoice to the parish clerk.

Please apply to:

Simon Horton, Deputy Parish Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer, Sandgate Parish Council (Sandgate Parish Council Library, James Morris Court, Sandgate High Street, Sandgate, Kent, CT20 3RR Tel: (01303) 248563) or email

Deadline for submissions: 12 noon on 5th June 2020

Caretaker Sandgate Park 2020 - 2024-2

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate Park: Playground and Adult Play Equipment Remain CLOSED To All under GOVERNMENT Rules

Sandgate Park: Playground and Adult Play Equipment Remain CLOSED To All under GOVERNMENT Rules

Sandgate Parish Council have followed the Government’s Coranavirus advice throughout, and kept Sandgate Park open to give people space to exercise.

When the rules changed a little last week, we quickly changed the rules around the Tennis courts and Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) from do not use to please only use in pairs, and maintain social distancing. They are free to use, but ONLY if those rules are followed. NO large groups.

Although the huge majority of users have been respectful of the rules and making use of Sandgate Park perfectly reasonably at this time, some people seem to feel the need to stretch the point.

The playground and adult exercise equipment remain closed currently and are taped off. That because the Government’s rules – which have NOT been altered on that – say they should be. “As with before, you cannot use an outdoor gym or playground”

However, the signs and tapes and tapes on this equipment are being removed regularly, and these areas used regularly. They are CLOSED for a reason – you have to touch them, there is no reasonable way we can clean them between uses, and its a vector for transmitting disease. Even if Coranavirus won’t kill you, it might kill the people in your family, friends and workplace that you could then transmit it to. It doesn’t matter if you are a key worker, child, or just bored: they are CLOSED to ALL for public safety.

Equally, the Tennis Courts and MUGA are ONLY to be used by two people per court at a time. They are not for gatherings, get togethers or big games. Again – we’re not making this stuff up – that’s the GOVERNMENT ruling.

It’s been particularly sad that some of the people breaking these rules have been rude and unpleasant to Council enforcement officers / the Clerks / the Park Caretaker in trying to remind people to obey those rules. That is not acceptable.

Breaches of Coranavirus measures – such as using equipment closed under the government’s rules – can be reported at

Posted by Tim Prater in News