
Wet, Wet, Wet

In these soggy times, the following resources might be helpful to residents:

Flood Guidance website

…and… – from the Association of British Insurers

There has also been the launch of a new code of practice about property flood resilience.

Property flood resilience (PFR) is an important part of the response to flood risk. PFR includes measures that reduce the risks to people and property enabling households and businesses to reduce flood damage, speed up recovery and reoccupation. PFR measures should reduce the amount of water entering buildings (known as resistance measures), or limit the damage caused if water does enter a building (known as recoverability measures).

This code of practice (CoP) is concerned with PFR measures that can be introduced to buildings at risk from flooding. Often these measures can be installed as part of the repair of buildings after they have been flooded. However, some property owners may wish to be proactive and fit measures in anticipation of a flood.

The CoP includes six standards that specify what should be achieved. These standards will be supported by comprehensive guidance on how the standards should be met by the following stages within the PFR delivery process. The guidance is provided in the CIRIA C790B Code of practice and guidance for property flood resilience.

Councillor Vannessa Reay

Posted by Tim Prater in News, 0 comments

Keeping Sandgate Tidy: Seagull Proof Sacks

Seagulls and bin bags don’t mix. Well, perhaps they do. Too well. For the seagull.

Following an approach by Sandgate Parish Council, Folkestone and Hythe District Council have agreed to make available ‘seagull proof’ bags for residents in Sandgate that have a purple sack rubbish collection (ie no wheely bin). This will help prevent your rubbish being attacked by seagulls on collection day (which should make Sandgate High Street on a Wednesday a slightly less rubbish-strewn area – we hope!).

Any household that normally has their waste collected in bin bags can collect a FREE seagull proof bag from:

  • Sandgate Library (James Morris Court, Sandgate High Street, Sandgate, Folkestone CT20 3RR) Friday 3rd April – 10am-12.30pm
  • Sandgate Farmers Market (Chichester Hall, 70 Sandgate High Street, Sandgate, Folkestone CT20 3RR) Saturday 18th April – 10am-12.30pm

Sacks will also be available for collection from the Library from 3rd April. One per household – you will be asked to provide your residential address to collect a bag.

Please note that bags DO NOT replace purple sacks – you place your purple sacks IN the seagull proof bag.

How to use your seagull proof bag:

  • Please secure your sack outside your property before 7am on collection day;
  • Please place your purple bags inside your gull proof sack and make sure that the sack is securely closed to avoid the gulls attacking your waste;
  • Our waste crews will remove the purple bags from your gull proof sack on collection day;
  • Please take your bag in as soon as possible after collection, any gull proof sacks left out permanently will be removed and not replaced;
  • You may wish to number your sack so that it can be recognised as yours.
Posted by Tim Prater in News

Coronavirus (COVID-19) March Update

Despite just 39 reported cases of Coronavirus in the UK to date (10am, 3/3/2020), Kent County Council and other agencies are asking us to publish details on where to find more information on Coronavirus (COVID-19).

  • The most authoritative source nationally is the NHS website.
  • If you think you, or a friend or relative, might have symptoms, there is the NHS 111 on line questionnaire page
  • For updates on the position in Kent, you can read more on the Kent County Council website
Posted by Tim Prater in News, 0 comments

Keeping Sandgate Tidy: Seagull Proof Sacks

Seagulls and bin bags don’t mix. Well, perhaps they do. Too well. For the seagull.

Following an approach by Sandgate Parish Council, Folkestone and Hythe District Council have agreed to make available ‘seagull proof’ bags for residents in Sandgate that have a purple sack rubbish collection (ie no wheely bin). This will help prevent your rubbish being attacked by seagulls on collection day (which should make Sandgate High Street on a Wednesday a slightly less rubbish-strewn area – we hope!).

Any household that normally has their waste collected in bin bags can collect a FREE seagull proof bag from:

  • Sandgate Library (James Morris Court, Sandgate High Street, Sandgate, Folkestone CT20 3RR) Friday 3rd April – 10am-12.30pm
  • Sandgate Farmers Market (Chichester Hall, 70 Sandgate High Street, Sandgate, Folkestone CT20 3RR) Saturday 18th April – 10am-12.30pm

Sacks will also be available for collection from the Library from 3rd April. One per household – you will be asked to provide your residential address to collect a bag.

Please note that bags DO NOT replace purple sacks – you place your purple sacks IN the seagull proof bag.

How to use your seagull proof bag:

  • Please secure your sack outside your property before 7am on collection day;
  • Please place your purple bags inside your gull proof sack and make sure that the sack is securely closed to avoid the gulls attacking your waste;
  • Our waste crews will remove the purple bags from your gull proof sack on collection day;
  • Please take your bag in as soon as possible after collection, any gull proof sacks left out permanently will be removed and not replaced;
  • You may wish to number your sack so that it can be recognised as yours.
Posted by Tim Prater in News, 0 comments

Coronavirus (COVID-19) March Update

Despite just 39 reported cases of Coronavirus in the UK to date (10am, 3/3/2020), Kent County Council and other agencies are asking us to publish details on where to find more information on Coronavirus (COVID-19).

  • The most authoritative source nationally is the NHS website.
  • If you think you, or a friend or relative, might have symptoms, there is the NHS 111 on line questionnaire page
  • For updates on the position in Kent, you can read more on the Kent County Council website
Posted by Tim Prater in News
Overnight Closure for Resurfacing: A259 Sandgate Road from Westbourne Gardens and Clifton Gardens

Overnight Closure for Resurfacing: A259 Sandgate Road from Westbourne Gardens and Clifton Gardens

As part of the on-going maintenance and improvement of the highway network, Kent County Council will be resurfacing Sandgate Road (A259) in two phases between the junction of Westbourne Gardens and Clifton Gardens.

These road surface improvement works are programmed to start on the 12th February 2020 and should take 7 nights (including weekends) to complete. These activities will be undertaken between the hours of 20:00 and 05:00 each day.

This type of work can be affected by bad weather, so if it is not possible for us to carry it out at this time, we will arrange a new date and let you know via a letter drop to your home. We will also put up signs along the road, before we start, showing the date we plan to start work.

During these essential works it will be necessary to close the road completely so that we can carry out the works safely for both the workforce and road users. The diversion route will be via:

  • Phase 1: Grimston Avenue, Shorncliffe Road and Castle Hill Avenue
  • Phase 2: A259 Earls Avenue, Shorncliffe Road and Castle Hill Avenue

SoWN - 12-02-2020 - A259 Sandgate Road, Sandgate, Folkestone & Hythe- Renewal-1

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Proposed Increase in Parking Hours at Lower Sandgate Road West Car Park, Sandgate




(Amendment 1) ORDER 2020


Notice is hereby given that FOLKESTONE & HYTHE DISTRICT COUNCIL proposes the above Order under sections 32, 35 and 35c of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the Act”), having obtained the consent of Kent County Council in accordance with Section 39(3) of the Act, and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the chief officer of police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 of the Act.

The Order proposes the following changes from the 1st April 2020:

Lower Sandgate Road West Car Park, Sandgate

  • Increase operational hours from 8am-6pm to 8am-8pm, all days during the period 1st April-30th September

Mount Street Car Park, Hythe

  • Increase maximum stay period from 2 hours to 3 hours

  • Increase minimum stay period from 30 minutes to 1 hour

Full details are contained in the draft Order, which together with the relevant drawings, a copy of any orders which will be amended by the proposed Order, and a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined at The Council Offices, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone.

If you have any questions concerning the Order or require further information, please contact Folkestone & Hythe District Council (Parking Services) Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY.

If you wish to make an objection or comment about the proposed Order, you must write to Folkestone & Hythe District Council (Traffic Orders), Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY or email Your objection must specify the grounds on which it is made. For your objection or comments to be considered, they must reach us by 5pm on Friday 14 February 2020. For legal reasons, we cannot accept any objection or comment over the phone or in person.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Community Safety Partnership Local Engagement Meeting

Community Safety Partnership Local Engagement Meeting

‘Local Engagement Meetings’ (LEM’s) are a new initiative from Kent Police and other partners where FHDC residents are invited to attend on-going meetings to have their say about community safety issues where they live and to share ideas and help identify priorities for tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in their communities.

The meeting for the area covering Folkestone East, Folkestone West, Folkestone Central, Folkestone Harbour, Broadmead, Cheriton, Sandgate, Hythe and Hythe Rural is to be held at the Saga Pavilion on 30th January starting 7pm. All welcome.

LEM Area 1 30.01.20-1

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Advance Notice: Sandgate Library Closure 7th May 2020

Sandgate Library will acting as a polling station for the Kent Police Crime Commissioner Election on Thursday 7th May. Sandgate Library will therefore be closed for all other activities (lending, groups etc) that day.

Posted by Tim Prater in Library, News