
CCTV or not CCTV?

The Parish Council is in discussions with various partners, including the Sandgate Society and District Councillors, to seek funding to install CCTV in three key locations:

● Sandgate High Street
● The Golden Valley shops
● Sandgate Park

CCTV is being investigated following a number of incidents of vandalism in Sandgate Park, a number of attempted break-ins to businesses in Sandgate High Street and damage to cars in the High Street and surrounding areas.

Although statistically crime remains very low in Sandgate compared to other areas, we’re keen to keep it that way.

Any scheme would, of course, be operated within strict guidelines to protect personal privacy and to inform people that the system was operating. It would be “recording only” rather than live monitored, and would only be accessed in the event of reported crime or anti social behaviour.

The Council is optimistic that grants and funding can be identified to purchase and install all of the cameras and equipment at very low cost to the Council, but there would be a small annual maintenance cost of up to £2,000 a year.

The Council is keen to hear from residents and business their view on whether the introduction of CCTV in Sandgate is supported. Those views will then be taken into account before any final purchase decision is taken. Please send your views to

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Fake text messages targeting parents

Action Fraud and others are reporting a scam by text where criminals are sending out distressing messages.

How this scam works:

  • Victims receive a text message from a loved-one which says they are in hospital
  • The only way that they can make contact is via text message
  • Victims are asked to purchase mobile phone top-up codes and text it to the criminal
  • Once the criminals have the code, they can get the cash credited to their own mobile phone account.

Protect yourself:

  • These messages can evolve into more elaborate scenarios and play on your emotions and get you to react quickly without thinking.
  • If you receive one of these text messages, don’t send any codes or money, delete it and report it to Action Fraud.
  • If a family member was hospitalised, they would never be forced to use a mobile phone that required credit to activate it.

Visit Action Fraud for more information on this scam.

Please warn family members, friends and neighbours.

Report it.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Trick or Treat?

With the Halloween season fast approaching, some people look forward to and welcome “Trick or Treaters”, and some really do not.

For those who don’t feel comfortable with answering the door to Trick and Treaters, you can print and display the poster below. If you are not able to print this poster they are available at Police Station front counters.

Trick or Treat
Posted by Tim Prater in News
Free Half Term Childrens Craft Club

Free Half Term Childrens Craft Club

Sandgate Library will be having a Children’s Craft Club on Friday 25th October between 11.00-12.30.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate in Bloom 2019: Encore!

Sandgate in Bloom 2019: Encore!

Big congratulations to Jackie’s “Encore” on Sandgate High Street for winning the inaugural “Sandgate in Bloom” competition this year.

Jackie is pictured receiving her certificate and prize from Sandgate Chairman Robert Bliss at the Sandgate Parish Council meeting on 17th September.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate Parish Council Deputy Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer

Sandgate Parish Council Deputy Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer

Sandgate Parish Council is a thriving and innovative parish council providing a range of services including a branch library, a large park, a refreshment kiosk and public toilets, as well as the usual public amenities of flower displays and events.

The Parish Council is seeking to appoint a Deputy Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer. The key roles revolve around maintaining sound and accurate accounts and attending appropriate meetings of the Parish Council. The full job description is below (or download from /wp-content/uploads/sites/44/2019/09/sep-19-JD-1.pdf).

The successful candidate will be numerate and capable of managing accounts through spreadsheets and on line payments and will also be able to present items to meetings and take minutes.

Working hours are expected to be three hours (10 am to 1pm) on three mornings per week including Wednesdays. The current rate of pay (reviewed each April) will be between £11.70 and £12.70 per hour depending on the candidate.

If you want an informal chat with the Clerk and Librarian, Gaye Thomas, please ring 01303 248563 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings).

Closing date for submission of expressions of interest with CV is 5pm on 30 September 2019 either by post to the Library, Sandgate High Street, CT20 3RR or by email to

sep 19 JD-1
Posted by Tim Prater in News

The Kent County Council (Footpath HF69 at Sandgate) Definitive Map Modification Order 2019

Sandgate Parish Council is pleased to report that the attached footpath (from The Undercliff near Sandgate High Street to Military Road) has been finally confirmed and recognised as a public right of way / footpath.

This was only possible because of the weight of opinion and the many submissions made by local people and the Parish Council would like to thank everyone concerned, especially Rosemary Saunders who did so much to make this happen.

C370 Order, Notice & statement to accompany-1
Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate in Bloom 2019: The Results!

Sandgate in Bloom 2019: The Results!

Sandgate Parish Council have launched a “Sandgate in Bloom” competition, seeking to acknowledge those businesses that are doing so much to brighten our village during the summer with their floral displays.

A guest “mystery shopper” was around the village and Golden Valley last week, and the results of the 2019 jury are now in!

And, first prize goes to [opens envelope]…

Encore. Our judge said “Jackie’s ‘Encore’ has the largest profusion of colourful blooms displayed outside and deserves the first prize”.

We also have a runner up, Old English Pine, which was praised for “their colourful display in large butler sinks” and also highly commended was The Providence Inne for their rooftop display of window boxes.

Congratulations to all: Jackie from Encore will be invited to the next meeting of the Council’s Environment Committee to receive her prize.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sandgate in Bloom 2019

Sandgate in Bloom 2019

It’s great to see the efforts of businesses through Sandgate put into making their shop fronts look seasonally floral during the summer, adding to the Parish Council displays of planters and baskets throughout the village.

Following up on the suggestion of local residents, we’re delighted to announce that there will be a “Sandgate in Bloom” award this year for the business / shop / pub / restaurant that goes the extra mile in making our area look beautiful this summer in the run up to the Sea Festival.

In the middle of August a secret shopper will have a look at all business floral displays through Sandgate and nominate a winner of the “Sandgate in Bloom 2019” award.  We’ll announce the winner and commended others on-line on 19th August, and the winner will get a little award (possibly with bubbles in it!).

No need to enter – all business displays through the centre of the village and Golden Valley will be looked at. To those with great displays already, keep watering, and to those who are still to do so – happy gardening!

Note – although we think the Parish Council organized planters and baskets sponsored by local businesses look beautiful, they will not be judged as a part of this competition, which is for the best “on business” display.

Posted by Tim Prater in News