
Drivers Targeted With Fake Fines

Action Fraud have received an increase in reports and intelligence where elderly victims are being targeted by individuals purporting to be police officers or traffic wardens. The victims are being approached whilst parked in a car park and are told by the suspect that they have parked illegally or broken a speed limit and a photo has been taken of their car for ‘evidence’.

Victims are advised that they will face a substantial penalty fine unless they pay a smaller upfront fee immediately. Victims, who opt for paying the smaller penalty, will be directed to a parking meter and asked to enter their card and PIN. These parking meters have been tampered with by the suspect in order to retain the card. Once the victim inserts their card and are asked for their PIN, the victims are shoulder surfed for their PIN by the suspect.

Once victims input their PIN, the card is retained by the machine and victims are told by the suspect to seek help from the company who operates the parking meter or their bank.

What you need to do

  • If you are suspicious about the authenticity of the fine, do not pay it until you have verified it with your local council.
  • Always shield your PIN from view when using an ATM machine, and never share your PIN with anyone.
  • If your bank card is retained by an ATM machine, contact your bank immediately to inform them.
Posted by Tim Prater in News

Keep Safe This Summer

Now that the summer months are upon us we have been asked by Kent Police to remind everyone not to leave back/garden doors open and unattended, as this could provide an opportunity for thieves to gain access to your property.

It is also advisable to keep handbags and keys out of sight from doors or windows.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Notice of review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations

Folkestone & Hythe District Council is conducting a review of the polling districts, polling places and polling stations that fall in the Folkestone & Hythe Parliamentary constituency.
In accordance with The Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006, the Acting Returning Officer will be invited to make a statement on the existing arrangements and any proposals made. In addition, we are seeking feedback from electors, political representatives, town and parish councils, community organisations and political parties from within the District area.

Representations should include views and opinions on:

  • the proposals regarding the structure of our current polling districts;
  • current polling places;
  • the accessibility of our current polling stations;
  • alternative venues to use as polling stations; and
  • Acting Returning Officers comments and/or proposals.

Any representations must be received in writing by 14 August 2019. Comments are also welcomed on the Acting Returning Officer’s statement and must be submitted by 04 September 2019.

If you wish to make representation or comment, please send your correspondences as follows:

By post: Democratic Services Manager, Folkestone & Hythe District Council Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY

By email:

We would also like to welcome the views of any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability.

A timetable, and other documents relating to this review can be inspected at the Council offices at the below address, or online at

Decisions relating to the review will be made in November and the review will conclude on Sunday 01 December 2019.

2019 - PD PP Review Notice
Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Beach: Dog Free

Sandgate Beach is a dog-free zone from Sandgate Castle to the Seabrook BP (formerly Murco) garage at the far end of the Esplanade from 1st May and 30 September every year.

Outside these areas (from Sandgate Castle to Mermaid’s Beach, and the length of Princes Parade) dogs are welcome on the beach, although it remains your responsibility to clean up after them at all times, and to keep them on a lead on the Promenade.

Folkestone and Hythe now have an enforcement team who are now patrolling across the district regularly including early morning, late afternoon, evening and weekends – it’s no dogs at any time over the summer.

You must clear up after your dog if it fouls wherever you are in the district. The penalty for failing to clean up afterwards is £100.

Small plastic bags or nappy sacks make ideal poop scoops. Keep them where you keep your dog lead so that picking up a few bags becomes as automatic as clipping your dog on its lead before going for a walk.

There are free dog bag dispensers on the block by the Boat House of Granville Parade, at the seawalk entrance to Castle Road Car Park, and in the dog run at Sandgate Park. Please only take as many as you need to use.

To avoid smells and prevent flies, please tie the bag before depositing it in a dog waste or any street litter bin (it DOESN’T have to be a dog waste bin). Please don’t throw bags into hedges, verges or drains: keep them until you find a bin.


Seaside Award 2023
Posted by Tim Prater in News
The “Solarium”: cleared and ready for Sun!

The “Solarium”: cleared and ready for Sun!

A number of local residents had raised with us that the “Solarium” area (by the Sir John Moore statue / start of Sandgate Esplanade) was full of shingle and inaccessible.

We’ve raised this with Folkestone and Hythe District Council, and are delighted to say that they have now cleared the area and is pictured today, resplendent and ready to use (you’ll see it has good ramps for wheelchair / buggy access).


Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Parish Council Annual Return 2018-19

Sandgate Parish Council is defined as a “smaller authority” for the purposes of publication of its annual accounts and statements.

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 require that:

1. The accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested, during a period of 30 working days set by the smaller authority and including the first 10 working days of July.

2. The period referred to in paragraph (1) starts with the day on which the period for the exercise of public rights is treated as having been commenced i.e. the day following the day on which all of the obligations in paragraph (3) below have been fulfilled.

3. The responsible financial officer for a relevant authority must, on behalf of that authority, publish (which must include publication on the authority’s website):

(a) the Accounting Statements (i.e. Section 2 of the Annual Return), accompanied by:

(i) a declaration, signed by that officer to the effect that the status of the Accounting Statements are unaudited and that the Accounting Statements as published may be subject to change;

(ii) the Annual Governance Statement (i.e. Section 1 of the Annual Return); and

(b) a statement that sets out—

(i) the period for the exercise of public rights;

(ii) details of the manner in which notice should be given of an intention to inspect the accounting records and other documents;

(iii) the name and address of the local auditor;

(iv) the provisions contained in section 26 (inspection of documents etc.) and section 27 (right to make objections at audit) of the Act, as they have effect in relation to the authority in question.

All the required accounting statements, declarations, annual governance statement and additional statements are available in this 2018 Full Annual Return of Sandgate Parish Council. There is also a Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return. The declared period for the exercise of Public Rights is 19 June – 1 August 2019, but in practice it was published on the Sandgate Parish Council website on 20 June 2019.

annual audit docs 2018-19 final approved-1

There is a National Audit Office guide Local Authority Accounts: A guide to your rights.

Posted by Tim Prater in Council, News, Resources
Sandgate Bathing Water Quality: Excellent

Sandgate Bathing Water Quality: Excellent

After the most recent tests a week ago, Sandgate Beach bathing water quality still remains excellent.

We have a page on this site that includes the most recent results from the regular Environment Agency testing. Samples are taken weekly between May 1st and Sep 30th.

Bathing Water Quality

Posted by Tim Prater in News

June 2019 Food Bin

Sandgate Parish Council are delighted to support the work of the Folkestone Rainbow Centre by hosting a Food Bin at Sandgate Library.

Any items that the Sandgate community collect will be received by the Rainbow Centre team at their warehouse prior to being sent out to their Distribution Centres, Foodstop and the Winter Shelter.

Help feed local people in crisis. Items we would especially appreciate this month are:

  • Long-life milk
  • Instant mash
  • Coffee
  • Longlife Fruit Juice
  • Tinned meat
  • Tinned custard

Please ensure all food is well within date and unopened as we are not allowed to distribute out of date food. You can drop donations to the red food bin at Sandgate Library during library opening hours. Thank you!

June 19 collection bin poster A4

Posted by Tim Prater in Foodbank, News
Sandgate Flower Displays: Late Blooming but Not Forgotten

Sandgate Flower Displays: Late Blooming but Not Forgotten

The flower displays will be delayed this year because the plants have not matured sufficiently. This is as a result of weather in April and May being cold at times.

The colourful displays should be in place between 7-10 June.

The Parish Council is disappointed with this news, as we are sure are residents, but we are promised that the displays will be worth waiting for.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Sponsorship of planters

Sponsorship of planters

Sandgate Parish Council is going to repeat the successful sponsorship of the planters within the Parish Council area as follows:

  • The six rectangular planters located on the seafront are available for sponsorship at £50 for the summer season (late May to September);
  • The circular planter outside the Ship Inn is available for sponsorship at £100 for 12 months as it is replanted for the autumn;
  • First refusal for the sponsorship of the Rowing Boat (£100 form 12 months) has been granted to the Folkestone Rowing Club as they donated the boat in the first place.

Sponsors will be promoted through the use of an A5 notice (A4 for the rowing boat) planted in the relevant planter together with items added to the Council’s Facebook page (and therefore Sunny Sandgate as well)

Sponsorship is on a first come first served basis with the exception of rowing boat for which the Folkestone Rowing Club shall be offered first refusal as they donated the boat. Requests should be sent to the Parish Council at the following email address by 31 May 2019:

Peter Savage

Deputy Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer

21 May 2019

Posted by Tim Prater in News