
Kent Police: ANPR Consultation

Kent Police: ANPR Consultation

It is proposed that an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera will be installed near one of the main routes into Hythe in order to increase coverage within the area.

This is something that police forces intend to do countywide. ANPRs are used to help to detect, deter and disrupt criminality including tackling travelling criminals, organised crime groups and terrorists and they are used to assist with evidence in the investigation of crime.

Community engagement regarding the roll out of cameras is necessary prior to installation being approved.  If you would like offer any views on the proposed installation of a camera in Hythe, please send your comments (support/objections/general views etc) to Sandgate Parish Council at The parish clerk will then forward your comments to the local PCSO.

Please note that the exact location cannot be disclosed as this may compromise and undermine the objective in preventing and detecting crime by being a benefit to offenders and could reduce the value of ANPR to policing.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Shepway Parking Proposals for Granville Parade & Castle Road areas: Sandgate Says No

Shepway Parking Proposals for Granville Parade & Castle Road areas: Sandgate Says No

Shepway District Council have started a consultation on proposals to introduce a Residents Parking Permit scheme in Castle Road, Granville Parade, Granville Road East, Granville Parade West, Lachlan Way, Lister Way and Parade Road.

They are proposing to limit parking in these roads to two hours for non-permit holders. This restriction will be in place 8am-8pm EVERY day of the year including weekends and bank holidays. Only residents and businesses based in the roads named above will be able to get permits.

  • Residents not living in those roads will not be able to get a permit, and will not be able to park in those roads for longer than 2 hours a day.
  • Businesses not based in those roads will not be able to get a permit for their businesses. Customers of businesses will not be able to get a permit.
  • Any Sandgate resident, business owner, business user or visitor to the area that currently park in those areas will, if these proposals are agreed, be banned from doing so for longer than 2 hours in any day.

This new parking scheme could be in place as early as June, depending on the results of their consultation which closes on May 16th.

We need your help, today, to stop these proposals. They will damage our village – and if you drive and live locally, they will affect you.

Since Sandgate Parish Council first heard of the proposals, we have repeatedly asked Shepway to STOP these proposals. There are clearly parking problems in Sandgate, and we are always pushing to get action to address them. But in our view these proposals do not address them in an even vaguely acceptable way, and will prove disastrous for local businesses and residents who depend on the availability of free parking in those roads.

Sandgate Parish Council is unanimously against the proposals to introduce Parking Permits in these roads. We will continue to make that clear to Shepway District Council. But that is not enough. We need all local residents to make their view clear as well to stop these proposals being bulldozed through by the District Council.

We would ask every local resident who is opposed to the introduction of a parking permit scheme to urgently email Shepway District Council to say so.

Send an email, containing your name and address, stating why you oppose the “Revised parking and waiting restrictions in the 'Sandgate East Parking Zone'” to and copy your message to Sandgate Parish Council at so we know how many objections they are receiving. Please ensure your email arrives before 4pm on 16th May.

You may also wish to copy your emails to the Leader of Shepway Council and Cabinet member for Parking

If you do not have email, you can either complete an objection form at Sandgate Library during opening hours and we'll ensure it is submitted to Shepway District Council before the close of the consultation. Alternatively you can download an objection form, complete and post your written objections directly to Shepway District Council (Parking orders), Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone CT20 2QY

If you oppose these proposals, please make sure you object before the deadline. To maximise our chances of killing this scheme, we need everyone who objects to make that clear as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Robert Bliss & Tim Prater

for Sandgate Parish Council

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Publication of 2015-16 Annual Return

Publication of 2015-16 Annual Return

Sandgate Parish Council is required under the current accounting regulations to publish our 2015-16 Annual Return, the declaration that the Accounting Statements are unaudited and the Notice for the Commencement of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights (including paras 26 and 27 from the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014) on our website.

Any person has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records of the financial year to which the audit relates and all book, deeds, contacts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested.

Further to the accounts are the Internal Audit report, 2015-16 bank reconcilation and receipts and payment 2015-16 account report (appendices 1-3) as presented to and agreed at the Full Council meeting of 14 June.

For the year ending 31 March 2016, these documents will be available from 17th June to 28th July 2016.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Granville Parade Toilets

Sandgate Parish Council is delighted to announce that it is now the leaseholder for the Granville Parade toilets in Sandgate. As a matter of urgency, the first thing we did was to remove the locks so that the toilets are now free!

Should you find any problems with the facilities, please inform us at the parish council office / Sandgate Library: in person, by phone or by email.

In addition to the toilets, the building has an area that has planning permission to turn it into a commercial kiosk. We are inviting expressions of interest from anyone who may like to take this on and we are open to suggestions as to what facilities and services could be provided from the kiosk. For further information, please contact the parish clerk, Amanda Oates. 

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Maintenance of properties bordering Highway and Footpaths

Dear Resident

Every year throughout the spring and summer KCC Highways & Transportation receive numerous complaints regarding trees, hedges and other vegetation, which overhang the highway from private property. This matter can pose a number of problems for people trying to use the footways, especially if they are trying to pass with buggies, wheel chairs and scooters.  It would be greatly appreciated if you could ensure that any trees and hedges that are bordering the Highway are maintained and cut back to your boundary which would greatly benefit all Highway users. This will help us all keep the highway safe and prevent the need for KCC Highways & Transportation writing to you requesting that you cut back your vegetation.

So that you are aware of our requirements, please refer to the text below.

If the boundary of your property borders the footway, then please be aware that:

  • The full width of the footway/pavement must be available for use by pedestrians.
  • As well, there must be a minimum height clearance over the footway/pavement of 2.1 metres / 7 feet for any vegetation.

If the boundary of your property borders the carriageway, then please be aware that:

  • If you have vegetation that overhangs into the road, there must be a minimum height clearance of 5 metres / 16 feet, to accommodate buses and HGV’s that may use the road.
  •  If your property is rural, then vegetation should be 0.45 metres / 1’6” feet behind the edge of the road and all signs need to be kept clear of foliage for at least 20 metres.

Also, I would ask that you pay special attention to your trees, hedges and vegetation if your property is on or near a junction, and/or inside bend of the road, to maintain maximum visibility for road users.

Finally, I would like to thank you for the time taken to read this article and wish you a pleasant summer. I am looking forward to working with yourselves and your parish to keep the roads as safe and clear as possible.

Highway Steward

Kent County Council Highways & Transportation

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Proposed creation of a small Car Park at Sandgate Recreation Ground and Re-shaping of the Dog Run

Proposed creation of a small Car Park at Sandgate Recreation Ground and Re-shaping of the Dog Run

Sandgate Parish Council wishes to create a car park for up to 10 / 12 cars so as to create a safer environment for users of the Military Road Recreation Ground.

Whilst it is hoped that the majority of users of the park will walk to it, there are occasions when people will drive there and, by creating a car park, it is hoped to lessen the cars being parked on Military Road.

The car park proposals include the re-shaping of the dog run but there will be no significant reduction in its overall size. The dog run will also be fully re-fenced.

A planning application will shortly be submitted to Shepway District Council and Sandgate Parish Council would like to hear what local people think of the plans.

The drawings are available to view at Sandgate Library and any views can be given to Sandgate Parish Clerk by email or in person at Sandgate Library.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Kiosk to Rent

Kiosk to Rent

Andrew Beggs & Associates: Commercial Estate Agents





Contact Agents for further details.

Gresham House, Quarry Road, Hythe, Kent CT21 5HA

01303 266984

Posted by Tim Prater in News