Councillors Details

Sandgate Parish Councillors 2023-2027

Sandgate is made up of two wards: Village and Valley. Between them they elect 11 Councillors.

Record of attendance at Council meetings.

Contact details for Councillors are below. To write by post to any Councillor, please address to:

Sandgate Parish Council, James Morris Court, Sandgate High Street, Sandgate, Folkestone CT20 3RR.

Sandgate Councillors – Village Ward (8 Councillors)

Hazel Barrett

Hazel Barrett

I have lived in Sandgate since 1997. I served on the Sandgate Twinning Association in its original format: then served on the Sandgate Society as the Minute Secretary for several years.

I have recently retired from KCC as a Business Support Officer. I am keen to protect the environment and ensure any future Planning Applications are in keeping with the Design Statement for Sandgate.

Susan Claris

Susan Claris

I was born in Teynham and spent my childhood years in the Medway Towns before moving to London to work for the Department of Transport in 1983. For the last 30 years, I worked as a transport planner for the global consultancy Arup, retiring in March 2023.

I used to come to this part of Kent as a child on day trips and holidays, and I have had a home on Castle Road in Sandgate since 2016. My passion is the benefits that can come to people, places and the planet from more walking, wheeling and cycling. I am Vice President of Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking.

I am also part of a group called Active Travel Kent and I am involved with Cycle Shepway. And I am now delighted to be a Parish Councillor for Sandgate and Chair of the Environment Committee.

Michael Fitch

Michael Fitch

Gary Fuller

Kirsty Hogben

Simon Horton

I have lived in Sandgate since January 1997 and in Shorncliffe prior to that since late 1988. I am married, have two Daughters and three Granddaughters all of whom live locally. Both of my daughters were previously employed by Saga.

My Wife is the Chairman of Folkestone Flower Arrangers and a member of the Kent Board of National Flower Charity where she represents the interests of a number of East Kent Flower Clubs.

I am a retired Bank Manager and have for most of the last 10 years been a self-employed Consultant working for Global Banks and very large Accountancy firms. In addition, I am a brand Ambassador for a large privately owned Cheadle based property lender. I have nearly 50 years’ experience in Banking/Finance.

I was the Deputy Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer for Sandgate Parish Council for nearly 2 years (2019 – 2021). During that time, I was involved with the acquisition of Fremantle Park, Battery Point, the Solarium and the installation of the CCTV systems in the High Street, Golden Valley Shopping Centre and Sandgate Park. I also identified and installed the Scribe computer system which produces the excellent, very transparent financial information which the Parish publishes on a monthly basis

I am passionate about Sandgate and making it an even better place to live and work. I can be seen walking through the village most mornings and if you see me, please say hello. If we haven’t met before I would be delighted to meet you.

Rosa Morris

R Morris

Tim Prater

  • Chair of Sandgate Parish Council
  • Email Tim
  • 07956 276118
  • Committees: Planning, Finance, Sea Festival / Events, Library, Environment & Personnel
  • Chair of Personnel Committee, Chair of Sea Festival / Events Committee
  • Register of Interests

I was delighted to be first elected as a Sandgate Parish Councillor in 2011 and have sat on the Council since. I was even more delighted to become the Chair in 2020, a position I’ve held since, and one that I think is a huge honour.

I have lived and worked in Sandgate since 2004. I run a web design and development company, am a long standing member of the Liberal Democrats and am currently serving on four Councils – Sandgate Parish Council, Hythe Town Council, Folkestone Town Council and Folkestone and Hythe District Council.

Away from Council meetings, I’m the Treasurer of the Chichester Memorial Hall Charity, Trustee of the Sandgate Society, the Secretary of the Sandgate Members Club since April 2019, convenient seat and bringer of kibbles for Minnie (cat & killer of flies), Managing Director of Prater Raines Ltd and sometimes a bit tired.

I have always tried to stand up for local residents, our area and environment and push for the most open, transparent and inclusive standards for our Council. I’m always happy to hear from you – contact details are on this website.

Sandgate Councillors – Valley Ward (3 Councillors)

Peter Hickman

Nicola South

Nicola South

Guy Valentine-Neale

Guy Valentine-Neale
  • Vice-Chair of Sandgate Parish Council
  • Email Guy
  • 07979 182931
  • Committees: Planning, Finance, Sea Festival, Library, Environment & Personnel
  • Chair of Planning Committee
  • Register of Interests


Committees: (*) The Chairman and Vice-Chairman is an ex-officio member of all committees and advisory working groups.

Sub-Committees, Advisory/Working Groups:

  • Beach Advisory Group (BAG)

Further membership of Advisory/Working Groups will include co-opted members from groups such as the RRRA, Sandgate Society and Beach Management Committee.

Councillors are often representatives for community groups such as the Chichester Hall Committee, Sandgate Society, Sandgate Heritage Trust, Sandgate Community Trust, Sandgate Primary School, Sea Festival Committee, etc.

If you would like to contact your Councillor please use the contact details provided or email the Parish Clerk. Your enquiry will then be passed on to the appropriate Councillor or sub committee.

A history of Sandgate Parish Councillors from formation in 2004 to date.